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M-Learning Module: An Appropriate Method for Knowledge Empowerment of Rural Women

$ 36.5

Published: 2022-01-20
Category: Social Science
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Mobile is an easy means of communication technology as they are cheaper , easy to access and do not need a continuous power supply. Nearly 80 per cent of rural Indian families possess mobiles but 10-15 per cent of them have internet facilities. M-learning module is any technology or lesson in audio/video format recorded on SD card and listened/ viewed through mobiles. Keeping this in view the present pre and post test experimental research study was conducted during 2014-17 in the selected villages of Dharwad District, Karnataka State ,India to estimate the knowledge gain. The women and girls who possess mobiles in their families were selected and given one month’s time to listen/view the modules. In the year 2015 M-learning module in video format on nutrition in local language was distributed to 65 rural women, during 2016, four m-learning Nutrition modules in different audio/ video formats were distributed to four different groups of women and in 2017 modules on Health and Hygiene was distributed to four different groups of adolescent girls in different formats. The results showed that there was significant difference between the pre test and post test knowledge score with respect to all the modules. In all the cases the post test mean was higher than the pre test mean indicating significant gain in knowledge implying that M-learning module is effective to impart knowledge. Hence M-learning module can be considered as an effective media for transferring specific knowledge to rural women based on their needs.

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