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A Collection of Studies on Vietnam's Economic Development from a Micro Perspective

$ 119

Published: 2022-02-02
Category: Business and Economics
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This book is a collection of the author's research published in the world on Vietnam's economic development from a micro perspective in the period 2017 - 2022. The content includes:
Strategic Management Accounting, Finance & Banking: The relationship between strategic management accounting and operational performance; Relationship between Management Accounting and Business Efficiency; The relation between capital ownership structure and financial leverage, etc.
Management & Marketing: The relationship between reputation, satisfaction, loyalty, and the performance in health industry; Improving Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises; Ethical branding and behaviors and willingness to report misconduct in the public sector; Roles of Religiosity in enhancing Life Satisfaction, Ethical Judgements and Consumer Loyalty, etc.
Tourism: Impact of tourist destination image on intention to switch destination; Agritourism and revisit intention; Rural tourism; farmers’ decisions to participate in agricultural tourism activities; Spiritual tourism and revisit intention; Effects of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in hotel industry; Effects of Destination Image on Revisit Intention; Ecotourism, etc.
Agriculture & Poverty: Multi-dimensional poverty; Difference in economic - social - environmental efficiency between individual produce farmers and farmers engaging in rice production cooperatives; Land acquisition for building industrial parks; New technology adoption behaviors of rice farmers, etc.

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