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Aging and SensorioMotor System

$ 45.5

Published: 2024-05-02
Category: New Release
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Highlighting the importance of the topic on sensorimotor systems in an elderly population, the objective of this update is to gather relevant information regarding the sensorimotor system. Furthermore, showing the relationship between the vestibular, visual, and somatosensory systems to allow the elderly to achieve balance and reduce the risk of falls. After presenting and discussing a specific protocol related to elderly people, it is possible to conclude that the sensorimotor exercise program in sedentary institutionalized elderly people improved balance, positively impacting the confidence while performing daily activities. Therefore, our findings suggest that sensorimotor exercises should be included in clinical practice. The protocol shown is easy to apply, low cost for preparing the whole circuit and this study prioritizes a complete program (considering time, frequency, relaxing time and a sequence of exercises. Besides, their respective steps). This will benefit both the applying professional and the elderly person in seeking results.  

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