Psychological Distress Among Health Care Workers in Health Facilities of Mettu Town During Covid-19 Outbreak, South West
$ 32.5
Background: During any of the infectious disease outbreak, health care workers were at increased risk of being infected, and psychological distress was a common phenomenon. Therefore the study aimed to assess the psychological distress related to COVID-19 among healthcare workers in Mettu town Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from May 1- 15, 2020 using convenient sampling techniques among 127 health care providers during COVID-19 pandemic in the Mettu town. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information. Depression and anxiety were evaluated as subscales from the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21). Psychological distress related to COVID-19 was measured using the Impact of Event Scale Revised (IES-R). Data analysis were done using SPSS version 24. Chi-square test was used to find the association between the outcome and demographic variables. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the significance of the association at P value < 0.05