Constructs of C for Beginners
$ 64.5
This book is useful to practical C programming learners and Teachers. C is simple, robust, portable, widely distributed and standardized. It is used to develop wide variety of applications. This book emphasizes the skills you need to do real-world programming. It teaches you the constructs of the C programming and the cycle of C program including the program’s design, code, methods, debugging, release, documentation, maintenance, revision and tracing. The description of the book starts from history such as naming of the programming language, the reason the development of the C programming language, clear visual representation of working of pointers to working of file system in programming language. To create a good program you must do more than just type in code. It is an art in which writing and programming skills blend themselves together to form a masterpiece. True art can be created. A well-written program not only functions correctly, but is simple and easy to understand. Comments allow the programmer to include descriptive text inside the program. When clearly written and documented with the comment then it is useful for further developer to understand and implement.