The Clinical Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology: PNEI, The Real Holistic Medicine
$ 75
In the first time in history, Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology, PNEI, leans humanity a deep scientifically based spiritual revolution through medical science.
The term "Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunology" -PNEI- may appear complex but it indicates the existence in living human beings of an inseparable unity between the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, which the harmonic functioning depends the state of health of a person. Therefore, PNEI scientifically based approach confirms what humanity has always intuited in relation to the influence of the state of mind conditions of health or disease. Compared to prevoius Psychosomatic, which believed that psychological life could affect the biological body mainly through the nervous system, PNEI identifies the immune system as the main mediator of the influence of emotions and states of consciousness of the state of health. More in detail, while the nervous system is related to the psychological life, the immune system is influenced pyramidacally from the states of consciousness, therefore by the spiritual life, which is modulated initially by the circadian cycle of light and darkness by the pineal gland. To date, PNEI gives the knowledge to achieve the long-dreamed Unity between medicine, psychology, philosophy and theology.