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Tree and Forest Biomass Carbon Models in China

$ 49.5

Published: 2024-08-08
Category: New Release
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This book is composed of four chapters, which are based on four carefully selected articles from the great amount of works published by the same author. The first chapter describes the methodology of tree biomass modeling through a case study on construction of compatible and additive individual tree biomass models for Pinus tabulaeformis. The second chapter provides tree above- and below-ground biomass models and carbon factors for 34 species in China. The third chapter presents forest biomass and carbon storage models for three categories (coniferous, broadleaves, and mixed), 20 types and 74 sub-types. The fourth chapter estimates the changes of forest carbon storage for 70 years (1949-2018). The tree and forest biomass carbon models presented in this book can serve as a solid foundation for accurately estimating the status and changes of forest biomass and carbon storage in China.

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