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Implementation of Programmes for Maintaining Care & Safety of Learners in Secondary Schools in the Graaff Reinet District

$ 75

Published: 2022-06-24
Category: Edukacja
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The study examined Implementation of programmes of maintaining care and safety of learners in Graaff Reinet secondary schools in South Africa. The study was triggered by the fact that despite legislations&policies to implement care and safety of learners, the level of violence in South African schools is escalating. The study was located in Interpretive Paradigm, a qualitative approcah&Case study design. Purposive sampling was used to select participants. Semi-structured interviews, document analysis & focus groups discussions were used to collect data. Data revealed that there are preventative& intervention strategies that are used to address misconducts. Intervention is used to modify the situation, to rehabilitate & address the causes. Prevention strategies are more pro-active, are intended to instill skills, values & knowledge to learners. The findings revealed that there are mixed results in the outcome of the implementation of strategies which are interlinked. 

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