This paper analyses the Moral Intensity (MI) of the pandemic, Covid-19 world over as applied to the construct of Thomas Jones (1991). The construct has been associated to three leading Moral Agents (MAs) such as Governments, Pharmaceutical Companies (PCs), and the Society. The analyses cover the author’s individual perspective through the lens of six-dimension scale of moral intensity and the evidence drawn from the secondary data. The scope is limited to the developments that have taken place over the last one and half years across the globe. Analyses, observe that the moral intensity of the pandemic is a matter of utmost importance, and the pandemic could have been managed better had the moral agents taken greater cognisance of six factors as perceived by Thomas Jones (1991). The article doesn’t insist the readers to fall in line with the author’s analysis; instead, it allows the readers to make up their own mind whether the MAs have acted considering the intensity of morality during pandemic in their respective jurisdictions thereby taken an ethical or unethical decision.