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Health Inequity and the Elderly: The Impact of Pandemic-Policy, Bioethics, and the Law

$ 54.5

Published: 2021-04-05
Category: Health Care, Medicine
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The race between CO-VID-19 vaccination and infection will continue until population immunity outstrips the virus’ ability to mutate and infect. When the pandemic is over, investigators, political and scientific, will mull over what went wrong and what went right. Different responses will be compared to determine effectiveness, not just on lives saved, but on incomes lost. The economic fallout will become clearer. The unforeseen derivative impact of responses on human health will also emerge – at some future time.But maybe there are lessons to be learned right now: lessons relating to the evolution of thought and behavior during times of danger and uncertainty, lessons relating to evolution of responses, lessons relating to how policy is made, and identification of deficits arising when failing to consider significant, but perhaps not obvious, outcomes, such as effects on the elderly and on their mental health.

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