Biological Liquefaction & Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Fleshings Integrated with Sludge & Bio-Energy Generation
$ 38.5
The safe disposal of large amount of solid wastes from slaughter houses and other wastes such as unutilized fleshing from hides and skins of animals and sludge from effluent treatment plants are becoming major challenges. The disposal degradable wastes and sludge in Secure Land Fill (SLF) system is becoming prohibitive and environmentally challenging. The tanneries in Asian countries process 8 → 9 million tons of hides and skins per year and generate 3 to 4 million tons of solid waste and 2.5 to 3.5 million tons/year of dewatered sludge from effluent treatment plants. Disposal of sludge and solid waste specifically waste lime fleshing are becoming a major environmental challenge. Tanneries processing raw hides and skins generate 10-15% of fleshing by weight as wet solid waste.