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International Security in the Prevalent World Order - The Dilemma of a Weak Nation

$ 49.5

Published: 2023-01-26
Category: Politologia
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This book comprises of eight research articles covering multifaceted security matters related to ideological, psychological, social, physical and human aspects pertaining to International Security which has always been the foremost concern of every state, community, organization and / or institution around the world. There is no exception in defining the integrated security of a state augmented by the security of its people and property as the top priority national interest. These articles delivered in the form of lectures to university students are relevant to every student especially hailing from small and resource constrained states in the Third World. Every lecture conveys peculiar lessons under varied security environment. However, there is one conclusion which is common to all; there does not exist even the abstract nature of 'fool-proof security' which demands an exceptional trait of flexibility preceded by an excellent degree of knowledge and requisie quality of expertise to confront the security related challenges. This book will surely broaden the mental horizon of students.         

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