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Competition Law and Regulation in Nigeria

$ 70

Published: 2024-01-24
Category: Prawo
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Competition law has become an important area of law due to the adoption of economic policies of privatization and liberalization by most countries from early 1980s to date. The core aim of the law is to ensure efficient operation of markets through prevention of practices by undertakings that would lead to monopolization of markets and affect the welfare of consumers. Competition Law and Regulation in Nigeria discusses the legal and institutional frameworks for regulation of competition law in Nigerian markets. The book builds on the rich jurisprudence and regulatory frameworks of countries and regional economic blocs such as the United States, Canada, Australia and the European Union to explain the core principles and concepts of competition law. With the above contents, the book provides a basic and in-depth knowledge of competition law to a broad spectrum of readers such as students, scholars and officers of firms involved in commercial transactions. 

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