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Sunil J Kulkarni

Dr. Sunil Jayant Kulkarni has completed his PhD from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University and Masters in Chemical Engineering from Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar, Maharashtra, India. He is working as an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering Department of Gharda Institute of Technology, Chiplun, India. He has 20 years of teaching and research experience. Dr. Sunil is involved in different academic activities across the universities in Maharashtra. He is the Board of Studies member of Chemical Engineering in Mumbai University since September 2019. His area of investigation in doctoral studies was phenol and heavy metal removal from wastewater. His area of research includes adsorption, clean technology and environmental biotechnology. He has also worked on kinetics and isotherms of various sorption operations. He is reviewer board member of many international journals and reviewed many international papers for Springer and Elsevier journals. He has published many international review and research papers in journals and presented 19 research papers in international conferences. He has published 11 books on various topics on chemical, environmental and biochemical engineering. He is also governing body member, promotional editor and executive member of many reputed international journals.

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Sunil J Kulkarni Wastewater Trea... $ 42.5


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