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Implement and Designing of Effective and Security Management Architecture for IOT

$ 42.5

Published: 2022-05-10
Category: Computer Science
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The emerging trends on the Internet and embedded technologies have enabled the surrounding objects to interconnect with one another. Here, which envisions a future where IoT equipment are going to be invisibly embedded in the earth around us and would be producing an overwhelming amount of information. Security analysis will be conducted to prove the scheme fulfills security requirements and will evaluate performance in terms of computational, communication, and storage overheads and then implemented the scheme using AVISPA security analyzer tool. The proposed protocol will achieve strong security by using two factors authentication password and fingerprint and maintain low overheads on constrained devices by using cryptographic hash function and xor operation. IoT needs solid safeguards that can produce a slight impact on system resources to satisfy the specific protection and privacy requirements (microcontroller, energy, memory). In the current research work, proposing solutions for three IoT environment safety angles have been presented. The main part of research work is design of a key protocol for the collection of information and communication in IoT. 

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