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Is the Word God? The Co-Evolution of Language and Religion

$ 38.5

Published: 2023-07-04
Category: Religion
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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - The Bible, John 1:1 The medium is the message - Marshall McLuhan, 1964 Although the original Greek ”Word” in the early Bible was "logos," which could be interpreted as pattern or framework, the earliest English translators of the Bible used "the Word." Could it be that they recognized the role of words in describing the universe, its patterns and frameworks, and its beginnings? What really is the relation between the Word and God? The medium used to convey the statements in John 1:1 is language, and it is through study of the origins of language that we can understand the meaning of the phrase "the Word was God". What is the relation between human language and humans' perception and experience of the universe, both the physical objects and the intangible mental and abstract objects? Our languages describe all that we perceive. "God" describes that which we perceive but which we cannot describe with all the other words and phrases in our languages.

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