$ 45.5
One of a person's most seasoned and important occupations is agriculture. It continues to be an important source of land. Despite the planet's growing industrialization and urbanisation, agriculture still employs around 50% of the working population. Agriculture has historically been a significant source of commerce and has boosted the national economy. Uneven precipitation, the absence of key infrastructure components, and an unbalanced allocation of resources all contribute to the improper channeling of the process of agriculture advancement. Only in the water system's zones is the green uprising successful. Despite some government efforts, the small ranchers were unable to benefit from them. The entire research project depends on primary and secondary materials. Important data will be acquired through intensified fieldwork, including surveys, meetings with farmers, leaders of local foundations, and individual perceptions. The viewpoints covered in surveys include general land usage, crop land use, farmer development strategies, manure use, education, salary, and concerns related to agriculture.