A numerical integration may also be soaked or unsaturated as the liquid or partly filled fills each of the medium's integration. Various levels are differentiated in a few situations; a split structure is interpreted, in a media. Breaks signify gaps and splits. By Quadrature process, the issues arising in liquid transfer can be understood by various strategies viz. Conjugate tilt techniques, spontaneous walk reenactments, re-standardization collection of numbers, leisure grid Boltzmann, Bother scheme, finite contrast strategy, Closeness review (strategies), and so on. In this research work, Quadrature formula of Boole's rule in numerical integration will be performed through the use of general quadrature formula. The focus of technique will also be the numerical implementation of the Trapezoidal law, Simpson’s 1/3rd & 3/8th rules of numerical application with the aid of the quadrature theorem. Generalization has been made for single,double,triple and general n-dimensional quadrature formula. Analysis and applications of Gaussian quadrature formula,Cote’s formula,Runga-Kutta methods has been applied for quadraturer problems of one, two and higher dimensional surfaces. Tables and graphs are presented to analyze the obtained results.