Informational support program for women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
$ 49.5
Infertility can undermine a woman’s sense of security and confidence in the future. The ART nursing role generally involves multiple responsibilities and scope includes provision of nursing care and counseling; education of patients, colleagues and the community. The aim of the current study was to assess the effect of informational support program on improving knowledge level among women undergoing selective methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART). A nonequivalent pretest-posttest quasi experimental research design was utilized. A total of 50 infertile women undergoing intracytoplasm sperm injection (ICSI) were recruited according to the following inclusion criteria: Primary or secondary infertile women who went through assisted reproductive technology (ICSI or IVF), and at the first trial for the ART. Two tools were used to collect the data; 1) Structured interviewing schedule, 2) ART knowledge assessment questionnaire. Findings of the current study revealed that, the mean of total knowledge score of ART between pretest and posttest was 16.56±6.33 compared to 27.76±3.68. Fifty two percent of the study sample had unsatisfactory knowledge level in the pretest, while 84% acquired satisfactory knowledge level in the post test immediately after implementing the informational support program. It was concluded that implementation of the informational support program about ART significantly improves the knowledge level of the infertile women undergoing ART procedure. It was recommended that raising women’s awareness through educational program to improve their knowledge about ART procedure and to reduce the anxiety level they perceive. Co-