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The Need for Fugacity Model on Pollutant to Determine Climate Change Effects in Global World

$ 49.5

Published: 2024-06-21
Category: New Release
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Industrial development are reaching extraordinary and upsetting proportions worldwide in our epoch. The interactions between human being and their physical environments have been widely studied, as multiple human activities impact the environment. The greatest scourges are pollution not only of its impact on climate change but also its impact on public and individual health due to increasing morbidity and mortality. In General, Fugacity model help to elucidate this by embarking on the real environment where contaminant moves across and within environmental compartments thereby affecting and impacting on the world global climate. This book encompasses six parts: Part 1 and Part 2 - highlight the human activities impact on the climate, pollutant mobility and fugacity model levels, its theory and model uses. Part 3 - Materials and methods – it clarifies on the case study of a tropical region and fugacity input data’s. Part 4 and Part 5 - Results obtained on the said region. Part 6 – Discussion on fugacity level I-III and its impact. From a toxicological perspective, the occurrence, fate, and transport of chemical pollutants in soils are largely driven by the properties of the pollutants; however, the properties of soils are also important. Therefore, in this book, I develop an understanding of the dynamics of pollutants in soils with various properties, subject to a range of processes with fugacity models (I-III) under the climate change influences.

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