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Indian Artificial Intelligence

$ 42.5

Published: 2023-10-24
Category: Computer Science
Category Technology
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This book "Indian Artificial Intelligence" is a collection of five different chapters. First chapter shows "Lord Rama Devotees Algorithm" which comes under Devotees-Inspired Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms. Chapter 2 defines a new Artificial Intelligence field titled "Out of the Box Artificial Intelligence". Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 describes two new Artificial Intelligence fields "The Interesting and Complete Artificial Intelligence" and "Artificial Intelligence Plus Plus" respectively. Ten Human-Inspired Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms are shown in the last chapter of this book. Lord Rama Devotees Algorithm, Artificial Cartoon Popeye Algorithm, Artificial Cartoon Chhota Bheem Algorithm, Artificial Cartoon Jerry Algorithm, Artificial Cartoon Happy Kid Algorithm, Artificial Friendship Algorithm, Artificial Brotherhood Algorithm, Artificial Mother and Son Algorithm, Artificial Husband and Wife Algorithm, Human Bhagavad Gita Particle Swarm Optimization (HBGPSO), Human Poverty Particle Swarm Optimization (HPPSO), Human Dedication Particle Swarm Optimization (HuDePSO), Human Selection Particle Swarm Optimization (HuSePSO), Human Safety Particle Swarm Optimization (HuSaPSO), Human Kindness Particle Swarm Optimization (HKPSO), Human Relaxation Particle Swarm Optimization (HRPSO), Multiple Strategy Human Particle Swarm Optimization (MSHPSO), Human Thinking Particle Swarm Optimization (HTPSO), Human Disease Particle Swarm Optimization (HDPSO) are Hybrid PSO algorithms that are shown in this book. For the sake of simplicity, PSO algorithm is modified in this book to create several new Hybrid algorithms. An ideal method is to create all algorithms from scratch rather than modifying PSO algorithm.

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