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Navigating Dysfunctionality in Family

$ 42.5

Published: 2023-12-12
Category: Psyhology
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Are you interested in exploring the fascinating world of family dysfunctionality? If so, you may want to check out "Navigating Dysfunctionality in Family," a scholarly book that offers profound insights into the sources of such dysfunctionality. Families are considered to be the most important social institutions of our lives, and this book sheds light on how nuanced relationships shape the development of children and beyond. The book takes a closer look at different parenting styles and how they contribute to the development of children. It examines four parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and avoidant/uninvolved. Among these styles, the authoritative style emerges as the beacon of healthy parenting, while the others cast shadows on the developmental journey of individuals. So why not take a closer look at this intriguing topic and see what insights you can gain from this helpful book?

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