Architecture & Urbanism: Resort, City Planning, Tourism
$ 45.5
This book focuses more on how The architectural biomimetic approach is focused on utilizing the quality of surroundings in a sustainable development design. Referring to the direction of independent integrated city development on the development of natural resources, human resources, and (artificial resources which include infrastructure and development facilities) so that development is able to bring progress, prosperity and independence in a fair and sustainable manner. Allocation of utilization of land (spatial) control for protected areas (preservation and conservation) and cultivation areas (development). And the direction of the composition and level of various development activities that are efficient, fair and environmentally friendly, after that Based on the results of the analysis that has been done before, it can be concluded that the daily activities of the community that is the characteristic of the Papan Island very potential to be developed into a tourist village based on community based tourism which has other tourist attraction is how to care and in order to sustain the ecosystem of marine habitat, by diving and preserving coral reefs, then the concept of spatial development in priority on improving the economy and local resources as follows that provides a travel route that surrounds the tourist village that shows the daily activities of the village community.