COVID–19: Respiratory Disease Diagnosis with Human Respiratory Sound Data using Deep Learning Techniques
$ 42.5
The COVID-19 disease diagnosis is a rapidly growing field, partly regular diagnosis tools and methods are not much accurate to analyses of the respiratory disease. According to the biomedical experts, data collection and tracing contacts is very difficult for spreading the COVID-19 disease. In recent years, there has been a lot of research in the area of human respiratory sound analytics. However, we discovered that far too many studies concentrated on a very small no. of regularly utilized basic features, while the most newly respiratory sound features are discussed very infrequently. Although advancements in testing have increased the popularity of these methods in recent months, there is an essential need for COVID-19 screening technology that is inexpensive, quick, and flexible. This book provides a working guide to the COVID-19 disease diagnosis and also provides a general background to the field of Deep Learning (DL) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is sufficient to diagnose human respiratory disease.