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Text Mining for the Disease Symptoms in Seafarers’ Medical Documents Using Sentiment Analysis

$ 38.5

Published: 2022-08-01
Category: Health Care, Medicine
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This book majorly highlights remote workers such as seafarers because working on ships is one of the most complex occupations with its perks concerning the personal health and safety measures of seafarers. Excepting the fact of this particular profession is highly vulnerable to accidents, seafarers are always prone to severe health hazards because of work culture, climatic changes, and personal habits. Instead, the fact of seafarers had serious medical tests, but life on the sea makes a lot worse due to the non-presence of health specialists onboard. In such times, maritime Telemedical Assistance Services (TMAS) provides health services to seafarers either through email, telephone or fax. Individual patient documents are carefully stored in the medical database of TMAS centres. We are at the centre of international radio medicine (C.I.R.M), Italy which is one of the TMAS centres in Europe provides medical assistance to seafarers for 85 years. 

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