Nanoscience: Synthesis, Antibacterial Marvels, and Beyond
$ 49.5
Nanomaterials are endowed with unique features and essential properties suitable for employing in the field of nanomedicine. The nanomaterials can be classified as 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D based on their dimensions. The nanomaterials can be malleable and ductile and they can be drawn into wires and sheets. Examples of nanomaterials are quantum dots (0D), nanorods, nanowires (1D), nanosheets (2D), and nanocubes (3D). These nanomaterials can be synthesized using top-down and bottom-up approaches. Drug discovery involves the systematic process of identifying and developing potential therapeutic compounds, with lead compound identification being a crucial step in pinpointing promising candidates for further development. Silver nanoparticles are important for their antimicrobial properties, offering potential applications in medical devices and healthcare products due to their ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria and other pathogens. Additionally, their unique physicochemical characteristics make them valuable in catalysis, sensors, and various emerging technologies. This book comprises of the review of nanomaterials synthesis, advanced drug delivery, theranostics, and potential research about antibacterial enhancement with surface functionalization (Ag/Chitosan), Green synthesis (Ag/ H. auriculata plant extract), silver nanoprisms, Alloy (Ag/Zn) and silver nanorods. The nanomaterials with different dimensions have unique physicochemical properties that can be utilized for therapy and diagnosis. The multifunctional ability of the nanomaterials can have a distinct advantage that is used in the field of theranostics. Different dimensions of the nanomaterials would have more scope in the field of nanomedicine.