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A Treatise on Environmental Law & Its Future

$ 49.5

Published: 2021-12-12
Category: Law
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Today, when the world is registering victories as an emancipated circle, free from the shackles of colonisation, man has set sailing on a wicked mission to enslave the natural resources to prove his supremacy. However, little can the human race glean that natural resources are designed for creation and destruction in equal measure. In mythological folklores, it is trite that man shall bear the brunt of his misdeeds. Wary of the havoc environmental pollution can wreck on the biosphere, the legal sword has been spearheading the mission of environmental protection under the aegis of the National Green Tribunal, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development formulated at the Earth Summit in 1992 and Stockholm Declaration, 1972. The Present Book aims to highlight the same issues, & provide solutions.

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