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Cryptanalysis of a Class of Lightweight Block Cipher

$ 49.5

Published: 2023-09-20
Category: Computer Science
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Lightweight block ciphers are widely used in scenarios with limited computing power such as wireless sensor networks, the Internet of Things, and RFID technology because of their simplicity and need for fewer computing resources. However, because of their relatively simple design, there are also cryptographic threats that do not exist with traditional cryptographic algorithms, making them vulnerable to attackers. For example, differential and linear attacks, differential fault attacks, timing attacks, and related key attacks are threats that must be taken into consideration when designing lightweight block ciphers. This book focuses on several typical lightweight block ciphers, including PRESENT, GIFT, TWINE, and others. It delves into their differential properties and permutation rules and proposes a low-complexity differential fault attack method. In addition, this book also delves into the application of such ciphers in scenarios with limited computing power and proposes two lightweight and secure distributed identity authentication technologies. It is hoped that through the above research, more applications for lightweight block cipher technology can be developed and applied.

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