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 A Set of View of Interaction Management Tools

$ 42.5

Published: 2023-10-07
Category: Psyhology
Category Management
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Management is a field that requires the ability of the manager, specifically the leader to master the tools necessary and to well run the interaction between them in purpose to move forward his team and make money to his organization. The self criticism tends to put on the table the Personal Negative Signs (PNS) (T. A. Powers & al. 2023). In the other side, narcissism is a one way transmitter personality trait characterized by grandiosity, high self esteem and intolerant behavior against any other opinion or critic (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Bachrach, D. G. & al 2022; Rhodewalt & Morf, 1995; N. Lassoued, I. Khanchel, 2022; Tang & al., 2015; M. Al-Shammari & al., 2019; Dabbebi, A.,Lassoued, N., & Khanchel, I., 2022). Our question is there a possibility that narcissistic leaders could in somehow going throw a self criticism? Rosenthal & Pittinsky (2006) in their study shows that world leaders make for themselves a “grandiose belief system” by adopting a “narcissistic leadership style”. Starting by the famous Adolf Hitler … passing by the founder of the American Nazi Party George Lincoln Rockwell… than to the business leaders such as Steve Jobs … (Rosenthal & Pittinsky 2006). These authors propose that those leaders ties to one leadership style driving by their “subjective egotistical needs for power and admiration”. Although, their success and/or their fail still on board. But some of them stick together in “ignominious downfalls” (Rosenthal & Pittinsky 2006). In this side, can we settle narcissism to dictatorship? Emilio Gentile, (2015) define the dictatorship as any type of an unlimited concentration of power in one hand of a person, group of people, institution or party in an unlimited time and practicing without control of the State’s institutions neither citizens. Meanwhile, Michalis Drouvelis, (2023) argued that dictators do not rely only on maximize their own profits but they do care about “the welfare of others”.  Meaning so, that the irregular struggling of narcissistic people personality tends them to be in somehow a dictators in their way.  

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