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$ 60

Published: 2023-08-29
Category: Business and Economics
Description Reviews (1) Leave review


Why is a Good Leader so Hard to Find in Private and Public Sectors? Being a leader, even a so-called successful one, is not necessarily anything to be proud of. Being a “good” leader, however, is a much different thing in the Private and Public Sectors. Anyone who has studied leadership long in enough knows there is no shortage of information available on what it supposedly means to be a good leader or the take to make a good leader as sickle for good Private and Public sectors. Discussions on leadership are everywhere. A quick scan of the internet will produce an untold amount of material— some scholarly, some from the business world, and some from a variety of companies designed to help organizations improve their leadership capacity. Professional development courses and degree programs are also available to help people become effective leaders in their various filed. Despite all the resources available on leadership, it seems we are still experiencing a leadership crisis and vacuumed.  The concepts of good leadership, it appears, are not getting through.  Over many years the authors have asked a variety of people informally to identify five exceptional leaders they have come across: individuals who truly exemplify effective and admirable leadership. Most people cannot complete the task. Some struggle to identify few individuals they know, whom they respect as a truly excellent leaders. Almost without exception, those individuals considered as possibly good leaders are identified as having one significant deficit or another. At the same time, the people we questioned did not struggle to come up with examples of truly bad leaders. And th

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