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$ 64.5

Published: 2022-03-03
Category: Mathematics
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The purpose of this book is to give an organized introduction to the theory of nnormed spaces and of course its applications. The idea for working on this issue came from the meeting with prof. d-r Risto Malcheski at the time of preparation of his doctoral dissertation in the 90's of last century. In that situation I came across the equation by chance
x, y = x, y + ax
which applies in any vector space that is 2-normed. The same made a strong impact on me as a young mathematician. Since then, a strong search has begun for what this means and what the consequences are. As a result of those ideas, all the things that are part of this book emerged from that time. The book was created under the strong influence of my colleague prof. d-r Slagjana Brsakoska, who is also the author of this work. The strength of her spirit, her flawless functioning and work, the results she achieved, as well as the creation can be considered her second doctorate. This led to the title being finalized in its entirety, as well as its publication. The book gives all the details of over 20 years of continuous work on the topic. It contains all the results, which to our surprise appeared during the work, especially in the last chapter of this work. Numerous theorems have arisen, the consequences of which give the title special charms. On this occasion, it is worthwhile to thank the numerous mathematicians who over the years have provided unreserved support to make this happen, and especially to colleagues from technical faculties, such as the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 

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