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$ 45.5

Published: 2024-09-02
Category: New Release
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What's in this Book?

This book is based on evidence-based study outcomes and a structured approach that addresses the fundamental principles of thanatochemistry and its practical applications. It gives an overview of post-mortem changes in body fluids, including protected fluids, and details the time-specific biochemical dynamics of vitreous humour and synovial fluid. It thoroughly discusses research outcomes, comparing studies on the forensic application of these biochemical markers to estimate the time of death and the factors influencing post-mortem changes in body fluid chemicals.
What's in this Book?
This book is based on evidence-based study outcomes and a structured approach that addresses the fundamental principles of thanatochemistry and its practical applications. It gives an overview of post-mortem changes in body fluids, including protected fluids, and details the time-specific biochemical dynamics of vitreous humour and synovial fluid. It thoroughly discusses research outcomes, comparing studies on the forensic application of these biochemical markers to estimate the time of death and the factors influencing post-mortem changes in body fluid chemicals.
Who should read this Book?
This book is designed for a diverse audience, ranging from seasoned forensic professionals and medical examiners to students and researchers in forensic science and medicine.
What are the benefits of this Book?
Empowering Non-medical Death Investigators: Typically, non-medical death investigators, including law enforcement officers, forensic experts, and coroners, rely on forensic pathologist reports for information about the PMI. These reports often take considerable time, challenging non-medical death investigators in assessing critical information, particularly the time of death. Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice: The primary objective of this monograph is to discuss evidence-based research to understand the thanatochemistry of protected body fluid chemicals, exploring its theoretical underpinnings to enhance practical applications, including precise estimation of postmortem timelines and improved death investigations.

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