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Reflections on the Response of Civil Aviation International Flights in the COVID-19 Epidemic

$ 49.5

Published: 2023-10-24
Category: Health Care, Medicine
Category Management
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The global outbreak and spread of COVID-19 pose a threat to life and safety while also having a significant impact on the economic development of various industries in various countries. The civil aviation industry, as an industry of a global nature, has a market that is closely linked to the changes in the global epidemic.  Therefore, to cope with the new and complex requirements of epidemic prevention and control, to protect the health of crew members and to meet the requirements of passenger and cargo transportation in emergency situations, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has formulated the Regulations on the Implementation of Exemptions from Duty Periods and Flight Time Restrictions for Crew Members during the Epidemic (hereinafter referred to as the "Exemption Measures"),and airlines have proposed management measures to deal with COVID-19 outbreaks, as well as scientists' scientific validation of COVID-19 outbreak prevention and control measures, among others. This book is a review of China's civil aviation industry's response to the COVID-19 epidemic, firstly, a theoretical analysis of the COVID-19 exemption approach policy proposed by the Bureau; then a comparative analysis of the two policies before and after the Bureau's COVID-19 epidemic, respectively; secondly, a scientific demonstration of the airline's management measures for COVID-19 prevention and control, as well as the scientific validation and analysis of the policy measures of the selected international long-haul flights; and finally, the proposal of the regularization of the management of the COVID-19 epidemic after it has taken place. It is hoped that this book will provide an understanding of the prevention and control methods used to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak in China, especially in the Chinese civil aviation industry, and that it will provide a reference for the management of similar major health emergencies in the future.

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