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The Shifting Sands of Diplomacy

$ 42.5

Published: 2024-07-16
Category: New Release
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This book examines the impact of the United States’ recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara on other states' acceptance of Morocco's Autonomy Plan. The analysis draws on norm diffusion theory to explore whether US endorsement triggered a norm cascade, leading other countries to follow suit. The book begins with a background of the Western Sahara conflict, highlighting the key actors and historical events. It then delves into the concept of norm diffusion, explaining how ideas and practices are spread among states. The book utilizes case studies from various geographic regions to understand how different actors could react to various normative influences in international relations. By analyzing the timeline conducted for this paper I aim to determine whether the US decision created a norm diffusion effect or if other factors played a more prominent role in increasing foreign states’ acceptance of Morocco's Autonomy Plan.

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