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Food Sources of Selenium and Its Relationship with Chronic Diseases

$ 36.5

Author: Wenli Hu
Published: 2022-02-27
Category: Science
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Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for mammals, and its deficiency seriously threatens human health. A series of biofortification strategies have been developed to produce Se-enriched foods for combating Se deficiency. Although there have been some inconsistent results, extensive evidence has suggested that Se supplementation is beneficial for preventing and treating several chronic diseases. Understanding the association between Se and chronic diseases is essential for guiding clinical practice, developing effective public health policies, and ultimately counteracting health issues associated with Se deficiency. The current review will discuss the food sources of Se, biofortification strategies, metabolism and biological activities, clinical disorders and dietary ref-erence intakes, as well as the relationship between Se and health outcomes, especially cardiovas-cular disease, diabetes, chronic inflammation, cancer, and fertility. 

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