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Digital Health Administration: Electronic Epidemiology Test Screening (E-Steco 19) Based on Android

$ 38.5

Published: 2022-11-07
Category: Health Care, Medicine
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Using the Test Screening Method is needed, people who look healthy to be grouped into groups that may have diseases and groups of people who may be healthy. In testing and medical examinations using screening or screening in the form of questions about the cause of the disease or the medical history of a person or his family. From questions and drawing conclusions that are still manual in nature, either written or question and answer, then in making applications using an expert system, to health experts in the application of test screening are adopted into a computerized system so that computers can solve problems as is usually done by experts. The purpose of this study was carried out to make it easier to detect the health of employees which was used for one of the prerequisites for a job contract with a health application using the epidemiological method of screening tests. Based on this, a Health Application Using the Test Screening Method is needed, in order to more easily detect the health of employees. 

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