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The Patterns, Determinants and Opportunities of Pastoral Households Seasonal Migration in Itang Special District

$ 38.5

Published: 2021-08-24
Category: Social Science
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The pastoralists use seasonal migration as the key handling strategy for the various forces in Itang specail district. These pastoral households seasonally migrate with their herds between the woodlands and Baro-river bank in the district. As such, the study was aimed to assess the patterns, determinants and the opportunities of the pastoral households seasonal migration in the study area. he seasonal migration result showed that about 57% of the pastoral households have been migrated seasonally during the last reference period in the study area. These pastoral households have been migrated between December-February, June-August, September-November and March-May and migrated between rural-rural, urban-rural and rural-urban areas in the study area. The binary logit model results found that the occupation, herder perception, market distance, livestock water distance, credit access and livestock holding size influenced the pastoral households seasonal migration in study district. At the areas of origins, the pastoral households have facethe recurrent conflict, inadequate physical infrastructures, insufficient non-farm developments, water resource deficit and prevalent of livestock diseases in the study area. At the areas of destinations, the pastoral households have obtained the increasing livestock products, increasing resilience, promoting social cohesion and retaining rangelands in the study area. As a result, the pastoral households seasonal migration becomes the stresses and shocks handling strategy that needs not to be neglected in the pastoral areas. Accordingly, the concerned organizations and communities need to eliminate the pushing forces of seasonal migration.

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