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New Strategic Management Principles

$ 70

Author: Andy Yeh
Published: 2021-03-31
Category: Management
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The standard curriculum for most MBA-level strategic management courses starts from the Porter analysis of external competitive advantages from the 1980s, and then moves onto the Barney analysis of internal valuable, imitable, and rare resources within the business organization from the 1990s. For the new century, the current book builds on this solid foundation to delve into the collective wisdom of many pioneers in strategic management, finance, and technology etc. At any rate, the current book complements the mainstream Porter-Barney threads and insights within the broader business context of strategic management. Many of the new strategic management principles further apply to our day-to-day habits and lifestyles in association with self-help, inspiration, effective time management, and personal finance etc. The current book is a rich collection of in-depth summaries of the top 40 strategic management books from 2000 to present. The new strategic management principles go beyond the traditional analysis of both external competitive advantages and internal rare resources etc. The real-world business cases include Apple, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, Facebook, Google, Goldman Sachs, Intel, McKinsey, Microsoft, SpaceX, and Tesla etc. 

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