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Unlocking Chemical Transformations by Demystifying Mechanisms

$ 45.5

Published: 2023-09-07
Category: Chemistry
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Phase-Transfer Catalysis (PTC) at the present time is a well-established procedure to perform reactions using environmentally benign reagents and solvents. Phase catalysis has been used in a vast variety of chemical reactions. PTC reductions have not been as intensively studied as other kinds of PTC reactions, obviously due to an excellent array of low-cost hydrogenation techniques and reduction systems already available to chemists, eliminating a strong need for development of PTC systems. The opinion of PTC is based on the ability of certain phase-transfer agents (the PT catalysts) to simplify the transport of one reagent from one phase into another (immiscible) phase wherein the other reagent exists. Starks extraction mechanism and Makosza's interfacial mechanism explain the action of phase transfer catalysis. A wide range of applications in which phase transfer catalysis is being used include organic synthesis, polymer chemistry, pharmaceutical industry , green chemistry, etc.

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