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New Source of Energy Usable on Earth or in the Vacuum of Space?

$ 42.5

Published: 2022-04-30
Category: Science
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This theoretical work corresponds to the hope of extracting an energy present throughout the universe: that of the spatial quantum vacuum! The article shows that it should be theoretically possible to maintain a continuous periodic vibration of a piezoelectric structure, which generates current peaks during a fraction of the vibration period. The necessary energy is extracted from the quantum vacuum through the Casimir Force, it is the only energy source of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System !. The Casimir force appearing between the two electrodes of a Casimir reflector deforms a piezoelectric bridge, which automatically inducing ionic electric charges, attracts opposing mobile charges, from mass. These moving charges are used to create an opposing Coulomb force and current peak at the appropriate times. The vibrations are obtained by controlling automatically and at appropriate instants the action of the attractive Casimir force by a repulsive Coulomb force applied to the return electrodes.

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