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Digitalized Framework for Cardio Monitoring Unit Using Matlab Application: Cardiac Defect Predictor

$ 42.5

Published: 2022-07-13
Category: Health Care, Medicine
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In cardiac monitoring, the Holter monitor plays a major role in the monitoring of critical heart defects over a long period of time. Once the recording is taken it needs to be analyzed to find the abnormalities in the waveform for the search for arrhythmias and aberrations in the heart. The time that is taken to analyze the waveforms by the medical professional demands to be larger and is not an efficient method that consents to be a drawback during critical hours. By using Biosignal Processing in Matlab Applications the efficiency of detection of Arrhythmias is increased and monitored. The process that follows in this method includes Parameter Extraction, Baseline Correction, Denoising, and Arrhythmia Detection. Future works of irregular waveform detection can also be used in other biosignal applications such as EEG, EOG, ERG, and EMG monitoring to increase the efficiency of analyzing aberrations in irregular waveforms.

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