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South Asia Towards A Greater Regional Air Connectivity: Prospects & Challenges

$ 42.5

Published: 2023-11-30
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Air connectivity indicates how well countries and regions in different parts of the world are connected with each other. However, South Asia is least integrated and connected, with intra-trade standing at only 5%, while around 1/5th of the population lives in the region, and approximately 29% of its population lives in poverty. during the 2019, the number of tourist arrivals in South Asia was only 27 million, while North America had 198 million, Europe 968 million, East Asia 490 million, China 30 million, and Germany 40 million. Despite air travel being the fastest global transportation network, several factors, such as restrictive visa processes, complicated travel procedures, fewer or no direct flights connecting the capitals, high travel costs, code sharing, and infrastructural issues, hinder the realization of air connectivity’s full potential in South Asia. In order to travel between neighboring countries in South Asia, travelers have to transit in the Middle East or Southeast Asia, increasing both the cost and time of travel. This lack of intra-regional connectivity limits interactions among traders and investors, hindering business transactions. To unleash the benefits of air connectivity, a 360-degree vision and regional integration are crucial. By addressing the challenges and improving air connectivity, South Asia can unlock opportunities for economic growth, cooperation, and prosperity across the region. The study extensively examines the current state of air connectivity in South Asia and proposes policies to improve the region’s air connectivity landscape, boosting both trade, investment, and economic activities within and across the region.

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