Preoperative Physiotherapy Education and Postoperative physiotherapy in Pediatric Open Abdominal Surgery
$ 45.5
Open Abdominal Surgery leads to decrease in pulmonary function and functional capacity postoperatively. Preoperative physiotherapy education (POPE) and postoperative physiotherapy (POP) immediately after surgery helps in preserving pulmonary function and functional capacity in children undergoing open abdominal surgery. The study was a two group pretest posttest, open label, randomized clinical trial. Twenty children with open abdominal surgery were recruited in the study. The children were randomized into two groups by 1:1 simple randomization method. Children in POPE group received POPE before surgery and POP immediately after surgery. Children in POP group received POP only. Spirometric parameters were taken as a primary outcome measure for measuring pulmonary function before and surgery. Six minute walk test (6MWT), Ten minute walk test (10mWT), Timed up and go test (TUGT), nine stair climbing test (9SCT), and Chest expansion were taken as a secondary outcome measures for measuring functional capacity before and after surgery. Normality of the data was tested by Shapiro Wilk test, as sample size was less than 50. Independent t test and Mann Whitney u test were used for between the group comparisons. Repeated Measures ANOVA, Paired t test and Wilcoxon sign Ranked test were used for within the group comparisons. Intention to treat analysis was performed for three children, who missed to follow up. Improvement in all the outcomes were noted in POPE group, accept for 9SCT. POPE combined with POP might help in preserving pulmonary function and functional capacity after open abdominal surgery.