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Attitudes towards Vulnerability of Autonomy

$ 42.5

Published: 2024-02-05
Category: Political Science
Category Social Science
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This book endeavors to forge a comprehensive theoretical framework, shedding light on the intricate web of causal relationships linking negative attitudes towards vulnerability of autonomy to the perpetuation of oppressive behaviors. Commencing with a rigorous definition of vulnerability, the study introduces The Attitudes Towards Vulnerability of Autonomy Scale (ATVAS), an instrument that meticulously assesses the cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions of this attitude. The introduction of the English version of ATVAS further broadens its cross-cultural applicability, affirming the inverse association between negative attitudes towards vulnerability of autonomy and key psychological factors such as self-worth, self-esteem, and generalized trust, a correlation originally identified in the Mexican study. This development represents a stride forward in both research and practical application, with social workers and psychologists primed to harness the potential of ATVAS to tailor interventions with the aim of catalyzing positive transformations within their respective communities.

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