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Lecturer at STIE UniSadhuGuna
PhD student Paris 8 university
Master student at University of Alberta Canada
PhD student in Epidemiology from Columbia Univeristy New York USA
Associate professor at Software College, Northeastern University
Medical Virologist/Lecturer in the Institute For Advanced Medical Research & Training
Undergraduate student at National University of Study and Research in Law
PhD from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
University of Texas at San Antonio
Vice-Rector for Quality at Educons University in Sremska Kamenica
PhD degree, International University of Brčko
Phd In European Studies
Ph.D. in informatics at Kyoto University
Public Administration at Kangwon National University
PhD at Utrecht University
Director of The Compassion Flower, an American Non Profit organization
M. Engineering degree in Computer Science & Engineering
M.S. degree in Chinese Medicine
Professor and researcher focused on Digital Transformation