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The Muslim Press and National Movement in Madras Presidency 1917-1947

$ 64.5

Published: 2022-12-12
Category: Political Science
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THE MUSLIM PRESS AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT IN MADRAS PRESIDENCY 1917-1947 written by Dr. M. S. FATHIMA BEGUM and Dr. V. VENKATRAMAN will limelight the pro Nationalistic nature of the Muslim Press and how it kindle the nationalism in the minds of the public of this Presidency. The Muslim Press played a great role in molding the public opinion towards the achievement of freedom in India. There were many obstacles for the growth of Press in the presidency. The latter half of 19th Century was characterized by vigorous journalistic activity though the climate was not conducive to its growth. In spite of all the restrictions made by British Government the Muslim Press strived to spread the ideas of nationalism. The press had a dual role to play. It not only highlighted the evils prevailing in the line but also sort to purge by bringing an awakening among the Public. The press highlighted the importance of the Hindu Muslim Unity and appealed to the Muslims to sail together with the Hindus.

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