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Connecting Professional Development to Classroom Practice: An Endless Journey

$ 45.5

Published: 2024-04-26
Category: New Release
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In the vast landscape of education, the journey of the professional development of teachers is similar to an endless adventure, one that unfolds with each passing chapter, revealing new insights, challenges, and opportunities. This collection of research wishes to capture the essence of this ongoing process, offering a glimpse into the changes of teaching and learning and its’ practice in the classroom. The role of teachers in shaping the future cannot be underestimated: they are the architects of knowledge and the catalysts for change. However, the demands placed upon educators continue to grow in response to the shifting paradigms, emerging technologies, and diverse student populations. In this dynamic environment, the pursuit of professional growth becomes not only desirable but an imperative. The chapters within this book explore various dimensions of teacher professional development, ranging from pedagogical strategies, needs analyses, action-research, self-reflection etc. Through empirical research, theoretical frameworks and reflective analyses, the chapters contribute to our comprehension of what it means to support and empower educators in their search for professionalism. Beyond the acquisition of new skills or the attainment of certification, true growth requires a commitment to lifelong learning, a willingness to adapt to changing contexts, and a spirit of collaboration that encompasses disciplinary boundaries.

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