Emeritus Professor C.S. Pundir, PhD,FRSC (Oxford) Professor Emeritus, MDU Rohtak, Haryana,India, Former Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences, M.DU , Rohtak Founder Head, Biochemistry Dept.MDURohtak. Research Publications- 324, Invetor, Patentee (1 Indian one Chinese patent granted, 6 Indian patents and 1 PCT/International patent filed), Author-2 books & Editor-2 books, H-Index:56. Guided 35 Ph.D theses. Fellow of Royal Soc. Chem. Oxford, Research area: Biosensens.Technol. and Nanotechnol. Bhawna Nohwal, Research Scholar, Dept of Biotech. DCRUST, Murthal, Haryana, India. Research Publications-7. H-index: 3