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Tewedaj Kahsay

The author was born to his father Kahsay Sharew and his mother Afera Nigus in 1985 at Alamata woreda, Southern zone of Tigray region, Ethiopia. He attended elementary and junior secondary schools in Edget Fina and high school in Tadagiwa Ethiopia Senior Secondary High School from 1995 to 2004 G.C. 

The author joined University of Gondar on October, 2005 and graduated with BA degree in Economics on 21 July, 2007. Since his graduation in 2007, he has been working for different governmental and non-governmental organizations at different capacities for the last ten years. Now he is working for Innovative Humanitarians Solutions (IHS) an international humanitarian organization at the capacity of Program Manager for its Eritrean refugees operation in Tigray region, Shire area.  Then he joined the School of Graduate Studies at Aksum University Shire campus to purse his MSc study  

  • Social Science

Author's books

Tewedaj Kahsay Food Aid and Determinants... $ 45.5


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