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Job Creation Could Play a Big Role in Generation Expansion Planning? A Case Study From Brazil

$ 42.5

Published: 2024-01-03
Category: Biznes i Ekonomia
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Generation Expansion Planning (GEPs) models are widely used by governments to planning future energy generation. In the scenario of economic recovery in the Post-Covid period, the inclusion of social aspects in these models has called the attention of academia, policy makers and development agencies. This article proposes a methodology to consider job creation in Generation Expansion Planning models and evaluates the impact of its inclusion for the Brazilian case, which uses the Investment Decision Model (MDI, acronym in Portuguese) in planning future generation since 2018. In the base scenario, the inclusion of job creation in the model resulted in an increase of 237 MW of solar generation capacity planned until 2030. At the same time, there was a planned reduction of thermal generation in relation to that indicated by the original model. Furthermore, in the most optimistic scenario, there could be about 100 thousand jobs more compared to the results of the original model.  

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